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  • ;Instructions for the user. Robots are typically used to do the tasks that are too dirty, dangerous, difficult, repetitive or dull for humans.

    Chris is Green Tote's robot.

  • ;Instructions for the user. Robots are typically used to do the tasks that are too dirty, dangerous, difficult, repetitive or dull for humans.

    Chris is Green Tote's robot.

  • ;Instructions for the user. Robots are typically used to do the tasks that are too dirty, dangerous, difficult, repetitive or dull for humans.

    Chris is Green Tote's robot.


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strawberries 67 g 12345 Mulch ***
lettuce 67 g 12345 Mulch ***
milk 67 g 12345 Mulch ***
pizza 67 g 12345 Mulch ***
tomato 67 g 12345 Mulch ***
cheese 67 g 12345 Mulch ***
strawberries 67 g 12345 Mulch ***
lettuce 67 g 12345 Mulch ***
milk 67 g 12345 Mulch ***
pizza 67 g 12345 Mulch ***
tomato 67 g 12345 Mulch ***