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java.lang.Object | +----com.las.ogdi.OGDICoverage
OGDIcoverage(OGDIFamily.FAMILY,"coveragename");A more general way of describing the coverage will be:
- tablename is used to describe a mapset or group containing several coverages (map layers); - @ is used to separate tablename and coveragename; - coveragename is the name of the coverage being accessed; - (qualifier) is used to select a group of objects from the coverage that responds to a specific characteristic or spatial query;Here is an example with the VRF driver:
OGDIUrl("gltp:/vrf/c:/forthood/VMAPLV2/TEXASH"); OGDICoverage(OGDIFamily.Line, "contourl@elev(*)");The (*) means that all the objects of the coverage will be selected. The following example shows that a spatial query can be made to select objects that respond to the query.
OGDIUrl("gltp:/VRF/d:/west_lv1/bc"); OGDICoverage(OGDIFamily.Line, "depthl@elev(acc=2)");where
acc is the "Accuracy Category" 1 = Accurate 2 = ApproximateHere is the list of valid operators for building a query: AND, OR, =, !=, <, >, <= and >= . Even though most geospatial data formats will fall within this description, there are some exceptions. The User's Manual better describes how to access a coverage for each data format, with examples for each drivers.
public OGDICoverage(OGDIFamily family, String request)
public OGDIFamily getFamily()
public String getRequest()
public String toString()
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